Each year I produce several surplus nucleus of bees to sell in order to make my bees as self-sufficient as possible. These will either be an overwintered 6 frame nucleus with a proven laying queen from that season or a 5 frame nucleus of bees with a laying queen from this season. I only sell bees that I produce, so the number and availability will depend on the pre-season demand to buy bees, the spring weather conditions and how quickly the new bees can build up.
Please note* Although not indicated within the site, I will have a limited number of strong 11 full framed 2025 end of season National colonies for sale on self spacing frames. These bees will be fully treated and come with their own super and honey. Please contact me for more information.
This way I guarantee both the quality and health of bees you are getting, the laying pattern of the queen, and the condition of the bees and comb at the time of sale. All of my bees will have undergone a health check and thorough examination by a bee inspector before being released.
Description of a Nucleus

A well established nucleus of bees
A nuc or nucleus colony is a small but fully functioning colony of bees on combs with brood at all stages of development and a laying queen. They will need to be moved into a full sized beehive once well established (quite soon after purchase). They can be used to start a new colony of bees and will expand rapidly. This method is preferable to a package of bees being purchased as generally the packaged bees have to start everything from scratch, pulling comb, foraging, raising young bees to reinforce the colony’s numbers and help expand the hive. However, a nucleus of bees has already established the colony and has new young bees hatching all the time. Effectively your bees are much more advanced and will expand at pace!
The nucleus of bees will come on either 6 or 5 National, Langstroth or 14 x 12 Hoffman (self-spacing) frames with bees and brood at all stages. There will be sufficient stores in the colony to enable them to survive until they have started foraging for themselves. The colony will be provided in an overwintered BS Honeybee, Maisemore or Payne’s poly Nucleus box or a Correx Nucleus box and collection will be by prior arrangement.
Please note: I do not dispatch bees in nucs unless by special arrangement.
Nucleus Prices
Overwintered 6 frame National Nuc : £290 with a deposit of £60, remainder to pay on collection. Mid April
Overwintered 6 frame 14 x 12 Nuc: £320 with a deposit of £60, remainder to be paid on collection. Mid April
Overwintered 6 frame Langstroth Nuc: £320 with a deposit of £60, remainder to be paid on collection. Mid April
5 Frame Spring National Nuc: £240 with a deposit of £50, remainder to pay on collection. Late May – June
5 Frame Spring 14 x 12 Nuc: £277 with a deposit of £50, remainder to pay on collection. Late May – June
5 Frame Spring Langstroth Nuc: £250 with a deposit of £50, remainder to pay on collection. Late May – June
5 Frame Summer National Nuc: £220 with a deposit of £50, remainder to pay on collection. Late June – July
5 Frame Summer 14 x 12 Nuc: £257 with a deposit of £50, remainder to pay on collection. Late June – July
5 Frame Summer Langstroth Nuc: £230 with a deposit of £50, remainder to pay on collection. Late June – July
Please Note: I can produce nucleus colonies on Commercial size frames as well. I would just require a reasonable lead in period or sufficient prior notice to achieve this for you, so please email me with your new bee requirements. The cost will be the same as for the 14 x 12 and Langstroth. All of my nucleus will be supplied on Hoffman self spacing frames irrespective of size. The deposit is non refundable should you cancel. My nucleus hives are very popular and sell out quickly throughout the season.